The script written for Bruce Almighty varies differs greatly from the actual movie. I think this has to do with the fact that Jim Carey is a comedian and tends to ad lip, and the script that I found was onyl a draft.
The first difference was the very begining. In the script the opening scene shows people, and Buce doing things, in the movie it is black screan with different credits while Bruce and Ally are talking. A lot of the dialog is differnt to , they took things out, and of course Jim Carey added something in. In the scriptit also says that there are two short twins and their mother, but in the movie there was one tall man and his mother. Then in the dialog and in the action, the brother is picking his nose while they are filming the news report, an dJim Carey adds in "good thing we're wearing these(pointing at his hair net) becuse we wouldnt want any loose hairs falling into the BUGAR!!" and then after that they cut to finishing the reoport. He asks the mther instead of the brother why they decided to make the record for buffalo's largest cookie. She first says it is because the health department found a rat pelet in in a cookie, and shut them down, so they cleaned up and mad ea big cookie to bring in business, then they cut to him asking the question again, and she answers " So the children of the neighborhood would be happy." This dialog was totally left out of the script, it replaces the conversation from one brother about the other. Then also during the celebration within the news report, they also added Bruce (Jim Carey) running witha pitcher of milk pouring into the cups of children who ar elined up holding out their cups. Then at the end of the report they say that Bruce's hair net falls off and everyone laughs, but his hair net was already off during his closing words.

The next scene takes place in his apartment with his girlfriend Grace (Jennifer Aniston) The difference first starts off in the dialog when grace brings up the hair net falling off, it was replaced with different conversation about the the report. He also added in "Not Good" which he would say in a funyn voice randomly. The instead of her talking about pictures, she actually tells him about how she doesnt want to watch the report again. Then when they do start talking about the photo album, she is yelling at him about how its their life, but no nevermind mine as well just pay someone to organize the pictures from their life. Then Bruce grabs a picture from when they went up north an she was obviously naked, In the script is was a picture from a wedding. Then in the script they start joking about the hair net, as they kiss and go to the bedroom, snd keep talking about the pictures, but in the movie they are wrestling over the naked picture then it cuts to the next scene.
In the script it is showing the dream that Bruce is having then the alarm clock buzzing, but in the film it cuts right to when the alarm clock is buzzing.
While gettin gready for work, in the script it says that Bruce is buttoning up his shirt while watching television, but in the actual movie, he is putting on his watch. Then while he is in the mirror talking to himself about his signature sin off, and starts talking like Walter Cronkite, saying and thats the way the cookie crumbles, in it Jim ccarey adds in "And that the way uh huh uh huh I like t, uh huh uh huh". After that he notices the dog peeing, both in the script and in the movie he runs though the house, but only in the script the dog pees on someone.

Next is the scene of Brucce and Grace on their way to work. The difference is tht in teh script Grace talks about a car that drives by, and puts prayer beads on th erearview mirror. The talk about the car is totally taken out, and the prayer beads dont come into play until she gets out of the car, then turns back and hands them to Bruce. The next difference doesnt come until after the dialog about the blood drive, it is when he is in traffic, the only difference is the dialog. In the actual movie he says "this isn't happening to me. not during sweeps week" he repeats himself and throws a fit in the car making it shake. He then says what is in the script saying this is my luck. The rest of the dialog in the script isnt in the movie. In the script he turns to the shoulder and is making fun of the people he is passing by. Then both in the movie and on the script he pulls into the parking lot quickly and rushes out of his car.He doesn't however knock over the trashcan. Also, in the script he only looks at the sign the homeless man is holding, and in the movie he reads it out loud and says something to the man.
The whole scence on page ten wasnt in the movie.
That would be the first ten pages of Bruce Almighty. The largest differnce was dialog, and as I said earlier it is mostly due to ad lip, its very noticeable when you compare teh film to the script