I love the movie the notebook, I cant say that it is my favorite movie, but it is up there. Its a beautiful story about two people who fall in love and spend an amazing summer together, but the girls parents did not aprove of their relationship and forced them apart. Years went by and they still longed for eachother, but went their seperate ways. Throughout the years the girl found a new man whom she fell in love with, but the boy practically obsessed over her, and built a house for her that he promised her the summer they were together. When the house mde the newspaper she went to see him, and of course they fell back in love and got back together. The story is being told by the boy who is now and old man, telling ti to the girl who has dimensia now as an old woman. I love it becasue its a love story, a heartbreaking one at that. they arent perfect but theyre in love. All girls can relate to love, and the heartache that happens in this movie. the way it goes from the present, to the past with the mans voice narrating it, to the past, then again to the present

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